Mitake, Premium Soybean Flour, 100g

Mitake Whole-Bean Soybean Flour (Marudaizu Kinako) 100g
Soy Flour
身丈 ウォェーベアン 祖yベアン Fぉうr (丸大豆 きなこ) 100g

 Mitake Whole-Bean Soybean Flour, also known as Marudaizu Kinako, is a type of flour made from whole soybeans that have been roasted and ground into a fine powder. 

Soybean flour is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, including desserts, bread, and savoury dishes. It has a nutty flavour and a slightly sweet taste that can enhance the flavour of the dish.

SKU : S0098