Introducing Juhachi Zakari "Eighteen" Junmai, a distinguished sake meticulously crafted to showcase the exceptional qualities of 100% Omachi rice cultivated in the picturesque region of Bizen, Okayama prefecture. This Junmai sake is a testament to the artistry and commitment of Juhachi Zakari, blending tradition with the unique climate of Setouchi to create an exquisite libation.
Juhachi Zakari "Eighteen" Junmai is a pure rice sake that invites you on a journey through the flavors of Okayama's Omachi rice. Grown amidst nature's abundance and brewed in the gentle climate of the Seto Inland Sea, this sake is a harmonious union of craftsmanship and the terroir of the region.
Immerse yourself in Omachi's distinctive smooth taste and sharp flavor, expertly extracted to perfection. Carefully brewed to capture the essence of richness from Okayama's Omachi rice, this Junmai sake offers a special elegance and clean umami character that sets it apart.
Indulge in the refined characteristics of Juhachi Zakari "Eighteen" Junmai – a celebration of purity, craftsmanship, and the unique terroir of Bizen. Whether you're a seasoned sake enthusiast or exploring the world of premium libations, savor each sip and experience the exceptional flavors that define this Junmai sake.