Some of the products are marked as 'Special Order' and are unavailable to buy over the website. These are included on our website as a catalogue of items can be obtained from all over the world. Most of these items are hard to find or unique which we would still like to give you the opportunity to buy.
How do I purchase a special order item?
If you are interested in buying an item that is marked as 'Special order', give us a call on: 01226 447299 and give our team the item's 'SKU' which is found on the product page.
All Special Order items needs to be paid for upfront. The price that is displayed on the website may be slightly different to the quote given to you over the phone. This is applicable on items that are sourced from abroad and is due to the fluctuating currency conversion.
Each item is sourced from different locations, and as such takes a variable amount of time to arrive in our warehouse. This is anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks. Our team will give you an estimate of how long the item should take to arrive to us.
You are NOT charged any extra / hidden fee for shipping the item into England or any duties, these are all included in the items price.
When you place your order, it is added into our database. Once your item has arrived in our warehouse, the system notifies us that the item is attached to your order and needs to be dispatched. There is no requirement to chase your order but if you would like an update, we welcome your call.
In rare cases, some items listed as special order are no longer available and this will not be know to our team until after your purchase. If this happens, we will give you a full refund for the item(s) and shipping*.
*Only items that are no longer available will be refunded. Shipping will only be refunded if no other items were sent on the same order.